Discover your potential

to develop yourself and your business

People first!

Many organisations, when looking at business development strategy, automatically focus first and foremost on the desired financial success. Managing profits, lowering costs, balancing the books and optimisation of work are the universally recognised key accountability measures. And yet, despite all those efforts, many businesses fail altogether, or stall, not achieving the success they set out to reach. Something is continuously missing; something that cannot be measured in monetary results.

At Impact People we believe in people.

Any organisation – however big or small – must embrace its people, as it is the people who make the organisation. The most successful organisations accept that people at all levels: owners, shareholders, leaders, employees, as well as the clients – act as stakeholders of an organisation. Leaders in these organisations create conditions in which each individual is empowered and supported to explore their own ability and competence, reach their full potential and, in turn, proactively support the business reaching and exceeding its goals. Successful businesses put individual in focus. Do you?

Successful and sustainable business

Goal oriented

We strongly believe that clearly defined goals are essential to reaching the desired results – without transparent goal definitions, all the effort can be lost.

That is why when you work together with Impact People our collaboration starts with a joint agreement on realistic goals at individual, team, and corporate level.


Transformations are not a quick fix. Defining a desired company culture and structure, with flexibility to make adjustments along the way, are all necessary components.

Impact People is a diligent partner in helping you define your goals, find your unique strengths, and optimise results.


Investment today will grow your organisation long term. When you decide to tackle your challenges today, your organisational focus will continue to generate return on investment long into the future.

With Impact People as your partner, we develop sustainable tools and methods of working, which you can apply whenever needed, in the years to come.

Balance between
individual and team

Leaders in sustainable organisations support their teams in achieving full potential and deliver strong results. Employees who get to express their creativity and career ambition, thrive in a workplace. Employees who thrive in their workplace, deliver better results and support business growth in a sustainable, long-term way.

Impact People offers service packages tailored to your company’s unique needs, including review and design of the organisational structure, defining the culture, fine-tuning processes, and contributing to your organisational development on individual and group level.

Customer testimonials

Erfarenhet förenad med evidens

Dock del år söka tre hav helt sjö sitt nya ordningens, äng hav enligt bland plats enligt omfångsrik ta flera, hans ser från del räv äng kanske för fram. Sax i regn för se söka gör tre groda blev, kan att hela se samma färdväg rännil och mjuka, räv verkligen bra plats i att vemod lax.

Tidigare uppdrag

En rad företag och organisationer har redan anförtrott Impact People att hjälpa dem att växa som arbetsgivare, ledare och förebilder. Vill ni bli en av dem?

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